
Wooden fish from Lamu

After a fascinating walking safari through the Samburu area in Kenya, Hendrik and I travel to Lamu to enjoy the sea and to collect the bags we ordered at Ali’s. Lamu is an island on the eastern coast which you’ll immediately adore. After one day of resting, we start looking for local craftsmen again. We stroll around in the little streets and one shop attracts us. A door in Swahili style with a sign: ‘Fish: Recycled art/craft’. Curious … what treasures would we find here? ...
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Valérie Barkowski's workplace

During our trip to Morocco, the day after going to Lahcen’s shop, Griet (the photographer) and I (Nies) decided to pay Valérie Barkowski a visit in her atelier. Ruth and Hendrik were completely a ...

Ali Lamu, how sail gets a second life.

ALI is a fisherman. LAMU is that wonderful island at the Kenyan coast. ALI LAMU is the brand that Ali & Daniela created together after they met by chance. ...

Ancient weaving techniques in Morocco

Obviously Griet and I would love to witness these weaving techniques with our own eyes during our trip to Morocco. Ruth and Hendrik brought a lot of baskets, stools and lamps home from their trip a ...

Tamegroute Pottery, 1000 shades of green

Pottery and ceramics are considered an ancient tradition in Morocco which fill the souks with colourful designs. In particular, the beautiful green examples of Tamegroute are a pleasure for the eye ...